Website for Mitch Ross - Songwriter, Producer and Musician

Is This A Marvel Movie? What's With The Time Jump?

"Life is what happens to you,

While you're busy making other plans."

"Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)" is a song written and performed by John Lennon. It was released on the 1980 album Double Fantasy.

As I've gotten older, it's always struck me just how true these words are for all of us.

Sudbury, Ontario based musician, songwriter and producer Mitch Ross is also a proud cat dad.

So many things have happened since I was last very active with this website, and it's taken a lot of hard work that no one outside my home will ever see to get me back to here.

I've lost more than 6 years of my life to serious illness. I'm not going to go into details, but there have been hospital stays, fruitless travel to see specialists and scores of tests.

Beside me, the entire time was my wife and son and my family doctor. Everyone else came and went. Mostly went as they figured I was of no more use to them.

Some had their own struggles, and I appreciate that, but I was able to get a lot of toxic people out of my life.

Then there was COVID, and well, we all know how that is playing out. 

John Lennon got it right with those two lines. 

Throughout all of that, we kept pecking away at things. Start and fall back. Start and fall back. But each time progress was made and lessons learned for the next time.

Over the past year, I have made steady ground. I've spent time involved in projects that did not go as expected, not to anyone's fault, but I learned some things about myself in the process.

And now we are here! It's been over a decade since this website first launched and maybe a total of 15 years since I started pursuing music as more than a hobby. Finally, I am able to move things forward.

So hold on, 2024 is going to be a banner year.

Thanks for your ongoing support. Things like this cannot be done without people supporting your efforts. 


Mitch Ross

Musician | Songwriter | Producer

You're never too old to follow your heart.

note: in order to try to keep telling a linear story, some of the publishing dates of articles on the website have been adjusted so as to fall into the right place in the overall organization of things.

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Mitch Ross is a Canadian Musician, Songwriter and Producer who works primarily in Americana